Yamahai Kokoku

七本槍 山廃 純米 琥刻

Tamasakae rice milled slightly to 80%, grown locally in Shiga. The Kimoto method was used with this vintage for the Shubo (starter mash) and the sake was matured at the brewery prior to release. The light milling rate will definitely bring out more layers of rice umami notes in the sake. Only a limited number of bottles are released per year and has further aging potential. Enjoy chilled, room temperature or slightly warmed (up to 45 degrees)

The Kokoku project originally started in 2010 to further showcase the potential of aged sake. With each vintage, the challenges, happy moments, the hard work put in by the brewery team and rice growers, and decisions on brewing, all become etched in each bottle.

The name Kokoku comes from 2 words: 

Kohaku - referring to the colour as sake ages, ranging from a light yellow to golden

Ikkoku - meaning “one moment”

Brewery: Tomita Shuzo

Region: Nagayama, Shiga

Rice Variety: Tamasakae

Rice Polish Rate: Koji 60%, Kake 80%

Vintages: 2017, 2022

Case Format: 6 x 720ml

BC SKU: +372643 (6 x 720ml)

Available In: BC, ON


Junmai Daiginjo Wataribune No.6